The blogosphere is a continuously expanding world. Over 200 million blogs have been created since it all started. Blogs are made for any number of reasons. Perhaps it is because blogging is among the most popular money-making strategies nowadays. Top bloggers make a considerable amount of money from doing what they are good at. It can also be due to the fact the blogs serve as an effective medium to getting one's message across. You can easily create your content and have it spread around without giving too much of an effort. Some bloggers also start blogging as a means for social interaction as it is an effective way to make friends. Blogging helps you meet new people who have the same interests as yours.
However, the hard truth about blogging is that 97% of them fail. That is why it is not surprising to find blogs being abandoned some time after their initial creation. With only 3% of blogs being able to succeed, this article presents two of the most common reasons which cause these blogs to fail.
Unrealistic Expectations
Usually, people start blogging with unrealistic expectations. Many of them just decide to stop blogging altogether after not being able to meet their outlandish goals. If a blogger is quite serious about it, then he needs to learn how to temper his expectations and set realistic targets.
This problem of unrealistic expectations usually manifests in two ways. First, many bloggers see it as a way to earn big bucks. Unfortunately, it actually doesn't happen that way in the real world. Don't get me wrong, people can and do make money off their blogs. However, one has to put in a significant amount of time and effort before being able to reap that reward.
The second way this problem shows itself is with bloggers thinking that creating a blog is already enough. They expect that if they build it, then people will come of their own accord. However, what they do not realize is that blogs compete against each other. You have to make sure that you are doing everything you can do to put your blog out there. Making use of the different SEO strategies make your blog rank higher in the search engine results is a good place to start.
Bland Blogging
Many blogs simply just don't stand out in the crowd. With an online community as large as the blogosphere, your blog needs to be unique. You have to make sure that there is something that differentiates your blog from the others in your particular niche.
You can solve this problem in two ways. First, you can make use of a unique design layout for your blog. You need to make sure that your design is functional while being aesthetically pleasing at the same time. You can either purchase themes from WordPress or you can download free themes available online. Both of these options provide you with a great deal of flexibility. These themes usually have a customization option, letting your personality shine through.
The second way to solve this problem is by ensuring that your blog has its own voice. Blogging presents you with the best opportunity to let out your creative writing skills. Your blog will surely attract new readers and retain old ones if you continue to post engaging content.
These are the top 2 reasons why most blogs fail. Hopefully you will learn to avoid these mistakes. Don't be like the 97%; instead you should strive to be part of the 3%.
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